ตัวอย่างที่มี context clues
1. The logic seems pretty simple:?
a. if you excellent gym class
b. if you dangerous gym class
c. if you eliminate gym class
d. if you significant gym class
2. criticize school districts for eliminating ...............?
a. E.P.
b. P.N.
c. N.P.
d. P.E.
3. the Peninsula team had them wear ....................,?
a. robotic
b. ActiGraphs
c. terrible
d. Hubble
4. The data revealed that very few of
a. the kids — fewer than 5% —
b. the kids — fewer than 10% —
c. the kids — fewer than 15% —
d. the kids — the other hand than 20% —
5. (Truly sedentary boys, on ............................,? are less healthy.)
a. the hand other
b. the other hand
c. the other fewer
d. the aerobic hand